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Crises / The Convex Lens

2021 - Experimental Short Film

The now can only be viewed as important – as critical. Conversely, we know that in the grand scheme of everything, the now has little meaning or value. What is a year in isolation as compared to the billions of years that have come before and will again after? What is the lifetime of a person or a corporation or a rainforest as compared to the ever burning of the sun? These things can only be viewed through the lens of now, and that lens a magnifying sphere – a convex lens -- distorting its beginnings and its endings to such brevity while amplifying, slowing, and enlarging this singular second, this minute, this hour, this day.


Crises / The Convex Lens examines these notions, portraying four visual datasets of crises, while drawing aural and diagonal parities in sound and theme. Though these crises differ in time and immediacy, the now distorts them, condenses their ends, enlarges their middles, until they coalesce to a humming noise playing out in the backdrop of our collective now.

This film was made as part of an invitation to participate in the Feeler Gauge Festival, a short film festival centered on the distance measuring tool. The festival was curated by Jennie Park and Fabian Vasquez Euresti.

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